Friday, May 20, 2005

TV Sucks

Luckily there's BitTorrent so I can download the shows I want and watch them when I want, all commercial free. All persons not using BT will be issued a mandatory suicide. Here's some links...

Torrent for the hottest pictures. Over 4,000 pics with ratings of 9.5 or higher.

The Xbox 360 may be capable of running OS X. Who could say no to running Tiger on a Microsoft system with three 3.2ghz cores!

Random E3 snapshots... I'm so jealous.

If you bought an iBook or Powerbook between Oct. 2004 and May 2005 your battery may have been recalled. Check this link for serial numbers and more info.

Creative introduces its new $199 5GB MP3 player, the Zen Neeon. Neeat!!

25% off coupon for any one item at Borders or Walden Books.

Korean scientists are using cloned human embryos to derive tailor-made stem cells. Don't worry though... they're testing them in animals first.

This site has put together a pretty detailed guide to overclocking an AMD 64 chip. If you were unsure about any of the details before, this is a must read.

G4TV has put together clips of the booth babes from this years E3. I'd kill to be there right now... not just for the girls either.

E3 trailer for Kingdom Hearts II. This game is going to be amazing.

Funny clip from last week's Simpsons.

The Japanese are into some weird things. Boo... seems PutFile removed the video. Don't really know why either.

One of my favorite flash games ever, Monkey Maze.

Torrent for the DVDRip of the complete second season on Chappelle's Show.

Torrent for last week's American Dad. I just watched this last night and it's definitely the best episode so far.

Great HOWTO for making a simple yet noteworthy Jedi robe.

Finally an answer to the hot dog/hot-dog bun ratio problem!

Great collection of password crackers only to use if you were to forget your own password.

The final episode of Red vs. Blue, "The Storm", is now available for download.

It's official...Google has started MyGoogle which some are titling it iGoogle. Use your Google log in and customize your own Google page.

Mesa Dynamics has released a utility that allows Dashboard widgets, previously only able to run on Tiger 10.4, to now run on Panther.

Who films themselves crying while eating? This site is creepy...

Looks like we may get the Playstation 3 before Japan!


Anonymous said...

monkey maze is back!! now i can slack at work even more... thanks =)

Anonymous said...

Sweet Post,

I'll have to bookmark your site

I have a new site that focuses on Tech Reviews, RMA Reviews, and more.

You should check it out.

##Link## Reviews

