Monday, December 19, 2005


Bubble Gum Alley Neat.. but don't touch the walls.

Topless Sandals If these really work they're awesome.

Random Webcam Girl NSFW Why don't girls ever send these to me?

Wowwwww People are CREEPS. Just click this...

Interesting Egg Story Now who's hungry? Cute Overload is exactly what you think it is...

University of Western Ontario Striptease Photos I guess this is one of many things I missed by not going away to college.

Amazing Sex Video Damn that gets me hot.

Love From Who?? People are weird!

What Really Happened to Interesting...

Kismet Now Runs on Windows Yay!

GAIM 2.0 is out Not final yet but it's nice. This is a free alternative to Trillian.

Fat Man Runs into Vending Machine Why do people sound shocked?

Man Dates Gal On Internet For Six Months -- and it Turns Out She's His Mother! 'nuff said...


Tweaq said...

i'm a dude, but cuteoverload, is insanely awesome. lol. nice post.

Anonymous said...

That Joshua Michael link was disturbing. I hope it is not what I think it is.

Anonymous said...

I wish you would not of posted that link about the baby...sick Do you fans a favor...don't go that way please


Love the site

Anonymous said...

love the site, but could you please add NSFW to ones that should have it? thanks!

Karl said...

im not going any 'way' i simply post what i find interesting... whether is ppl losing heads.. baby fetus' being buried or simply a hot girl. im here to post random things and thats exactly what im doing. never will every link be for everyone. my only goal for everyone that comes to this site to see something random... i think ive done my job.

as for the nsfw... when it says sex or striptease in the link title.. u kinda have to assume its nsfw. if you can't figure that out... then this site isnt for you. im not 'dumbing' my site down for the general public. no, im not calling you yourself dumb... but u get my point. when things arent obv. in the title, yes there with be a nsfw.

Anonymous said...

Does it feel great to copy 95% of all your links from

Karl said...

u mean for the one day? yes it does.. they had a good day so i shared it. take a look at my other links b4 u say 95%... try 4. thanks

Anonymous said...

am i not seeing something in the Love for who? picture? i don't understand what's weird about it heh

Karl said...

yeah i guess its hard to spot.... in the picture to her left is george bush and his wife... in the text to teh right it says love blah... george and laura... i just thought it was creepy.

Anonymous said...

give the guy a break, unless submitted to him all links obviously come from SOMEWHERE