Saturday, November 26, 2005

Few Links

Daemon Tools x64 version finally released. Now all you XP64 users can play those pirated PC games.

Don't buy these gadgets for anyone this Christmas!

Once again Camden, NJ is the most dangerous city in the US. Since Camden is 2 minutes from me I had to represent. What What!

Neat site for shirts and stuff.

I use Aimutaion but this AIM hack looks just as good if not better. (doesnt work with newest versions of AIM.. but if you use them you already lose anyway)

Neat way to find CDs others have. Kazaa doesnt always work people!

IT Gigolo... nuff said. is an amazing site/forum to find out anything and everything you need to know about your isp. USE IT!

Forget paying for xbox live. Xlink Kai is FREE and it's for xbox, gamecube, ps2 and PSP.

Whoever has an invite to torrentbytes needs to give me one!

Hey... remember this post? Little help ppl...


Anonymous said...

that xlink kai thing sounded great....then I discovered the link didn't work....then I googled it and clicked that link which didn't work either....any idea what's going on?

Karl said...

pisexy? i'll have to look into this. and anyone wanna give me an invite to torrentleech while we're at it? i got banned for no reason!!

wes.. try the link again. the kai service/site washaving trouble last night but seems to be back up.