So here's the tracking info proof. This was an actual image sent to me and I myself edited the tracking number and delivery address for privacy reasons. So these is indeed legit. I was 2% skeptical up to this point... but now am 100% sure it's very real.

As you can see... the package is starting from Redmond, Washington(home of Microsoft) and the package is 15lbs which is the EXACT weight of the Xbox360 core system(Non-Core systems weigh 16lbs).
So what do you have to do to win an Xbox360? Fill out some offers? Give out your credit card info? NOPE... you just get 36 people to join the site using your referal code... NOTHING ELSE. No tricks.. no scams... I'm posting this to help you guys out in getting a free Xbox360 and helping myself out by getting referals at the same time. The contest is up in 6 days. Seems like a short time.. but if you get 6 people each day... 6people x 6days = 36 referals. Now it's simple.
It seems that the past 2 months, TextPayMe has had this contest two times... so perhaps it will return next month as well! Any referal points not used remain onyour account to use later(such as next month). So if you don't get all 36 referals in 6days.. you have next month to look forward to as well.... or you can win one now and win another one next month ;)
All you have to do is sign up at TextPayMe. Help me out by clicking on my TextPayMe links. You're going to join anyway... why not help me out at the same time. ;)
So one more time... HERE'S MY LINK. Six days left people.. don't wait!!!
To see my previous post on this contest for more details click here.
I signed up for you. Good luck. I hope you get it.
thank you.. i really do appreciate that.
I thought you only need one more left, I signed up for you yesterday. Let me know if you need another, I have multiple cell phones...hah hah
well... i thought i had enough people lined up so that i needed one more after that.. but some fell thru.
i'll take as many referals as possible :)
im willing to trade a completed referal for something.. cds.. torrent invites.. roms... programs.. i can point ppl to just about anything. lemme know and ill see if i can do it.
if you can hook me up with that x264 invite i would appreciate it...
email me your email.. ill send it right away :)
i need more referals people!! :)
same as the TL invite, eventhough I should have realized its lost in your comments...
bklynking @ gmail dot com
invite sent.
now find me some more referals ;)
anyone who hasnt signed up yet... DO IT!!!
hey Karl,I signed up for you,could you hook me up with Wonder Showzen Season 2 episode 2,the one you posted was episode 1
wow.. i knew it was 1.. im an idiot for posting it as 2. ill be adding 2 AND 3 shortly :)
i WILL post every wonder showzen and andy milonakis for season 2.
ty very much for signing up. i appreciate it.
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