Monday, March 12, 2007

Treo 700p/wx Hacked

Palm's latest CDMA PDAs have finally been hacked. Steps have been made public for a few weeks now. Currently my 700wx is cloned to my Sanyo M1. A cloned phone means I've taken a phones number and serial number(ESN) and copied them to another phone making them both work under the same phone line. Unlike GSM phones(Cingular, T-Mobile), CDMA phones have no SIM card so it's not as easy to switch phones often. Cloning allows us to use a few different phones(not simutanously, duh) without having to call up Sprint and wait for a rep to switch the phone over which is usually atleast a 10-minute process.

If you would like more detailed info on this or would like me to clone a Treo for you feel free to use the comments.


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Ray Carroll said...

Please drop me a how to at as I'm interested in knowing how to do this.

Unknown said...


I just bought a Treo 700p on Ebay. Sprint customer service tells me its ESN was reported stolen or lost and wouldn't activate the phon. I'm wondring if you know what I could do to "clone" its ESN?

Anonymous said...

so if i clone a phone that can disable its nai- I can use it as a modem? do both phones ring and receive texts once they are cloned?

Anonymous said...

Could you please explain me, if this work donation will be given. thanks!

Anonymous said...

I have a sanyo M-1 and a LG 225, the LG is the active phone, sanyo M-1 was bought off ebay with bad esn, is there anyway you could give me a how to on how to set the M-1 up to use as my primary phone, I have USB cables and Bitpim, howerever no success, can email to thanks!

Anonymous said...

I have metro pcs and was wondering if i could clone my current phone to a palm treo and how i would go about doing this??
Please help me out with any info that you can give me.
Thank You

Anonymous said...

i found a 700p outside of my apartment building the other night,and would like to use it instead of my current lg,verizon service,but they said since it was reported lost i cant do that,is there a way i can go around this???u can contact me at thanks

Anonymous said...

I too have a Treo 700wx, I would like to use it on Metro PCS. Please share with me how I go about doing this. Do I have to use an existing Metro PCS phone number with internet features? Or can I start a new account with my Treo?

Thank you.


Anonymous said...

Would love to have the procedure for making this change. Not sure if it will work with MetroPCS or even Alltel ... But would love to try.

Thanks! Taylor...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...
Please let me know how to ;)

Anonymous said...

I would like more info on how to clone my phone.

Thanks in advance

G.Q. said...

Could u please help me get my Treo phone to work wit my Metro PCS service. email me at ...or call me at 754-422-1856 PLEASE! Thank u!

Anonymous said...

Could you please let me know how to set up my Treo 650 from sprint to work with Metro PCS? Thank you!

Anonymous said...

I have metro pcs and was wondering if i could clone my current phone to a palm treo 755p or the new one. and how i would go about doing this??
Please help me out with any info that you can give me.

Anonymous said...

I have a Treo 700 for Sprint that I need to unlock for Metro PCS... If you can please contact me at

Hal said...

Can I clone a 700 with a 650 phone to catch all the text meaasages that go to the 700? or see the incoming calls? Any other thought to try to see the other persons text and calls on Verizon service??

Willing to compensate you if needed.


CJ said...

Hi, I'm very interested in how to replace my SIM based 650 with a CDMA 700W that was passed on to me. Please share if you could, thanks.

Andy Awad said...

I would like to clone my 650 treo into an ebay 700p I


Unknown said...

matt have a treo need cloned reach me at thanks

Anonymous said...

Please send me the information on how to unlock the treo to use with metro pcs...and is this for all version of the treo for example 650,700 and 750 and so on? my email is

Anonymous said...

Please contact me to get my Treo 700 from Verizon Cloned. I have an old 650. Can that be used or what phone do I need to buy to get this done? Also, will the text messages coming in be on both phones?.

Thanks! I look forward to working with you
I can be reached at

Anonymous said...

I know this blog is old but if you still have the information available I am trying to clone my Metro phone to a Verizon Treo 700W any information on hacking the palm would be greatly appreciated.

Chris said...


I just bought a phone off ebay with bad esn. Its a palm 755p. I wanted to use clone it to my active phone now that doesnt work too well, barely at all. Can you please send me info on how to accomplish this. Thanks a lot!!

Anonymous said...

I think this is bullshit but uhh whatever..Ill give it a shot!

Spam away!

Anonymous said...

Sounds awesome, i need to do this to my treo 700wx, because of the kind of job i do is hard for me to use the treo, i dropped three times already and had to replace it, a smaller phone using the same phone number is not a bad idea, at list for working, i like to know how to do this thanks,

Anonymous said...

I would like to purchase the palm treo 700wx and would like to know if it can be cloned from a metro pcs phone. Would need a step by step how to and would like to know if some features would be blocked due to metro pcs's strick blocks and downloading. any info would be greatly appreciate. If any one else could add some knowledge it would be great please email me at

markschwartz said...

I would like the details on how to do this so my verizon palm 700w phone will work on the sprint network.

markschwartz said...

I would like the details on how to make my 700w verizon phone work on the sprint network. Thanks

Anonymous said...

i was just given a sprint palm treo 700p
i, however use Cingular/at&t with a sim card. how do i get this sprint phone without a sim card to work for my cingular phone acct??

Anonymous said...

please send the info on how to clone to thank you

Anonymous said...

pleaasseee send me a how to on this
your awesome

Anonymous said...

did anyone get this to work for metro pcs? If so may I have the info? send to Thank you

Anonymous said...

Hello! Would love to know how to clone my GSM phone info to a brand new 700p I got. The 700p is for use with Sprint. Thanks in advance for your help! Please send info to

Anonymous said...

I lost a treo 700xw and brought a locked 700xw. Can you tell me how to clone or swap the esn's on these phones.

Anonymous said...

I lost a treo 700xw and brought a locked 700xw. Can you tell me how to clone or swap the esn's on these phones.

Unknown said...

Hi, I just bought a Palm Treo 650 used and its from Verizon, I wanted to know if you could give me a little more info on this process.

I'd like to be able to use the phone for another CDMA carrier( Metro PCS)



Anonymous said...

I also was recently given one.
Can you please send me the info?

Anonymous said...

Trying to help a friend that lost his phone. Can you please send me the info. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

could sure use your method...have a 700wx.

Anonymous said...

I found a Sprint 700p phone outside my building at work. No one has claimed it yet and I am considering keeping it. I tried accessing the phone to see if I can call someone in its phone book to claim it but it is locked with a password. If it’s not claimed soon I would love to use it instead of my current Razor V3 with Verizon service. Is there a way I can convert this phone for my use with my Verizon service if it’s not claimed soon? Please contact me at thanks.

Anonymous said...

hey I really want to use your method for my treo 700wx I am willing to donate if it works please help me out thank you

Unknown said...

i am interested in how you did this, can you please email me at

Anonymous said...

I have a Treo 650 for At&t that I need to unlock for Metro PCS... If you can please contact me at

Anonymous said...

same here drop me a how to to thnkx

Grind said...

Can i get the information form you willing to pay $$$

Anonymous said...


please send me instrucions how
to do oit on treo700wx device verizon.

thank you very much.


Anonymous said...

like this type of things. played with a nokia back in high. referred to as ghost phone. not the same but non the less .could you tell me more.
thank you

Sarah said...


thanks for the offer to help..i have a verizon treo 700wx that i would like to use for sprint service..would this cloning work? please send instructions either way and a little more info on the way clonig works. greatly appreciated!

Anonymous said...

Can my Treo 650 sprint switch to the MetroPCS network?


Anonymous said...

wats goin on, I bought this treo 700p off craig's list and it was reported lost or stolen and I have no use for it until I came upon ur post, if u could help me out and switch my phones over, it would be very appreciate, thanks for reading-reply back

jm said...

I want give my wife my sprint 700 wx but she is a altel customer. Can you tell me how to unlock phone or can you do this? Or Can I clone phone to my other sprint account. I would be glad to make a nice donation to your favorite charity for your help. JM at

Anonymous said...

Can you please e-mail me instructions on how to from a metro pcs to a Treo700p(sprint) donation will follow... thanks a bunch!!! - 954.226.3444

Anonymous said...

So.. lets say i have my 700p and another phone (lg vx8550). the lg is on a lost/stolen list but the 700p is the fone i use. if i want to put the lg under the same esn would it be possible. also, is there any word as to a hack for free internet on the 700p?, cuz i already found the one for the chocolate (vx8500)

Anonymous said...

BTW (im the guy who left the last comment) my email is pleas email me this info

Anonymous said...

i recently purchased a verizon palm treo 700wx. i want to know is there any way i can get free internet on it? like a code that u can give to me? please.

Anonymous said...

hey i have treo 700wx i got from my brother in law can you explain to me how can i clone it with another phone
my email is
Thanks !!

Anonymous said...

i just got a treo and it was reported stolen. can you send me how to clone my phone to thanks so much


Anonymous said...

I would really like to give this a try. Please send a how to.

thanks - donation will be made

The3rdLevel said...

hi, just got a 700p and was wondering if you could send me the info

Anonymous said...

please send me instructions at

Anonymous said...

Hello can you please send me the instructions on cloning my treo 700p. thanks so much.

Anonymous said...

i want to know how i can unlock my palm treo 700wx for sprint. it has a bad esn number and i cant get it activated. help!

Anonymous said...

I woud lke to unlock & clone my metropcs phone to a verizon 700w treo.thank you

Anonymous said...

please send me the instructions at


Anonymous said...

please send me the instructions at

Anonymous said...

I have a 700p, i would like to to put into service, could you please share info to assist?

Anonymous said...

Help need to unlock/clone a Sprint Treo 650 for metroPCS.

Anonymous said...

can someone please email me the info

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

I have metro pcs and was wondering if i could clone my current phone to a palm treo and how i would go about doing this??
Please help me out with any info that you can give me.

parlain44 said...

hey I would like to get the info for a switch from a metro pohone to treo700 Thanks B

Frank said...

does this work on the verizon treo 700w. if it does can you help me clone my phone.

Anonymous said...

this looks cool. i have a verizon palm treo 700w. i also have a verizon phone. please email me at
you rock

John Darko said...

Ohh wow! I have a metro pcs phone that I want cloned to my Sprint Palm 700. Please let me know.... I would greatly appreciate it : )

John Darko said...

Ohh wow! I have a metro pcs phone that I want cloned to my Sprint Palm 700. Please let me know.... I would greatly appreciate it : )

Anonymous said...

I have a verizon treo 700wx, and I would like to use it for metro pcs. can you please email me instructions to



Terrence Keith said...

Could you please email info on this to I could sure use it.

Anonymous said...

Could you please email info to Thanks

Anonymous said...

I have the same problem as ARMIN, i need to find a way past this so it wasnt a complete waste of money, email is, thanks in advanced!

Anonymous said...

Hi, I also have Metropcs as my carrier and I would love to know how to clone it into a Treo 650 they gave me! Please if you would be so kind and e-mail me the steps I would greatly appreciate it! Have a great day!

THank you!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hello, sorry to have to repost this again I am interested in knowing the can use my old treo 650 with my current metro pcs account? Can you please email me the steps if possible? thanks would really appreciate it!

Unknown said...

Hey I was wondering if you could send me directions on how to clone. I have a 700wx Treo and would love to use it with my other service. Thanks

Unknown said...

Hey I was wondering if you could send me directions on how to clone. I have a 700wx Treo and would love to use it with my other service. Thanks

Anonymous said...

please send info to enabl the treo onto metro pcs carrier -

Anonymous said...

I have a verizon treo 700w and too would like to be able to use it on another network. Sprint Thanks

Unknown said...

hey there.. would like to flash TREO 700WX to metropcs... please let me know

Anonymous said...

My boss is willing to give me his old Treo 700, as he has since upgraded his phone. Does This procedure work for all the features of Metro (MMS, MetroWeb, etc)?

Anonymous said...

Please send me the info on this process, as i have a Treo 700 wx that i would like to clone to my metro pcs phone. Thx.

Anonymous said...

Just recieved treo 700wx, I would like to know more about how to. please email to

Anonymous said...

So I have a Treo650 and would like to clone it to a Treo 700W... can I do this?? Email me at

Anonymous said...

got 700wx, would like to use with metropcs... let me know if u can do it ..

Anonymous said...

if you can, please email me on how to clone the phone to

Anonymous said...

Can this really be done? What utility is needed?

email me


Anonymous said...

Hello all can some one shoot me the info needed to do this hack


Anonymous said...

hello i just got a verizon palm and i want to switch it to sprint if u could let me know how to do this .

Anonymous said...

Well i was dumb enough to buy the treo 700wx full price. now Im stuck with using it for awhile, i really need help to making this work. Could your drop me a line on how to do this.

Anonymous said...

hi have palm 700w what to flash email me

Anonymous said...

Can i use a Sprint Treo 700p with my Us Cellular Carrier? They both are CDMA networks. please email me at

Anonymous said...

i have a treo 700wx i want to clone it to metro pcs please help!!!

Anonymous said...

hi have palm 700wx what to flash it to metro pcs email me

Anonymous said...

i would love to know how to clone my phone onto my new Sprint Palm Treo 700w.

Anonymous said...

I have a Palm XXX and want to make it work with MetroPCS. Please help .

Anonymous said...

Anybody got info from him ?

Asis Reyes said...

It would be great if I could also have directions on how to clone the Treo.
Thanks for your help.
arflute at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

r u guys all that dumb? seriously, there have been no replies to this post from the OP but ppl still feel it is a good idea to keep posting requests for help with thier e mail addys. use your heads ppl, this is sooooo sad to see.

Eddie A. Morgan said...

very interest have a treo 700P and like to get it work to work

Anonymous said...

please send the how to to

Anonymous said...

i would really like how to do this, can you please email me at


Anonymous said...

i would really like how to do this, can you please email me at


Anonymous said... i have the palm treo and would love to have a different phone also. please send instructions. thanks

Anonymous said...

please send email with instructions as i would love to have my treo on metro"s network

Anonymous said...

Just recieved palm treo 700w, I would like to know more about how to. please email to

Anonymous said...

Bought a 700p Verizon on ebay. I live in Canada and am trying to get it to work on Bell system. How does one clone a phone?

email to

Thanks for any help.

Anonymous said...

I bought a Treo 700wx from a company that closed their doors last month. I am heading to China for an extended period of time and would like to take the phone with me. How do I unlock the phone so that I can use it in CHina?

Anonymous said...

Dude thats so kewl!!!! Please let me know how to on my Palm Treo 700wx.


Anonymous said...

Please email me on how to do this..

Anonymous said...

Please let me know how to unlock a Palm Treo 700wx (Sprint ) no sim card.

Anonymous said...

Please let me know how to unlock a Palm Treo 700wx (Sprint ) no sim card.

Anonymous said...

please give location would like to have a palm treo cloned if possible. if not info would surfice.

Anonymous said...

I have a verizon treo 700w and too would like to be able to use it on METRO PCS network.
How can i do this ??


Anonymous said...

I would like to clone my METRO PCS service over to my Palm TREO 650. Please send me a how to to

Anonymous said...

Could you please let me know how to set up my Treo 650 from sprint to work with Metro PCS? Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Could you please help me get my Treo 750 phone (cingular) to work wit my Metro PCS service. email me at:
Thank you!

Anonymous said...

HIya, Really would love for you to email me with the info on cloning.I have a Treo 700wx & would like to move it on over to Metro PCS.The Treos not activated on any service now.I have some KAKA phone on my Metro service.

Anonymous said...

please i have a treo 700w verizon that i want to work for metro pcs.

Anonymous said...

hey I have a Palm Treo 700x for Verizon, but my network is AT&T, how can I make it work?
Thanks! My email is
PLEASE and Thank you

Anonymous said...

I have an existing treo 700wx with verizon. The screen got broke by my 2 year old and I just bought a different treo 700wx on ebay. The seller said that she lost the phone and then found it. The phone was replaced by the verizon insurance company and they placed it on the lost/stollen list so now the ESN won't activate. Any ideas???????????? Could you please send me the info on cloning? Thank you so much :)

Anonymous said...

I just received a TREO 700p from my brother and would like to switch over to using it I currently use T-mobile but it says "sprint" on the treo. How do I go about this "cloning" since it doesn't use a sim card.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Opps forgot my email the one that brother gave the phone too...

Anonymous said...

I too have a Treo 700wx, I would like to use it on Metro PCS. Please share with me how I go about doing this. Do I have to use an existing Metro PCS phone number with internet features? Or can I start a new account with my Treo?

blacktruth609 said...

I got a 700wx on the sprint network I want to use it on metro pcs can you help me?

gregoryeanderson said...

I just got a Palm Treo 700wx for sprint I have service with sprint pcs How do I switch it my self, and did I read someone ask about free internet access, is that possable? thanks

Zach said...

could you please email me at
i'm interesting in cloning a treo.

Anonymous said...

I would like to know how to clone my Treo 650 verizon to work with Metro PCS. PLease email at Thanks

Emergency PC Repairs said...

im trying to do this clone hack with my treo feel free to leave me a how to @

Anonymous said...

Can you email how to cloan the phone its for verizon
my email is

Anonymous said...

Hi, I would like to know if anyone can send me infos on how to clone my treo 700wx

Thanks a mill

Anonymous said...

dont know if this thread is still checked but if there is help to be had i could use it. 700w from verizon would like to clone or at least hack into...

thanks in advance

Anonymous said...

If anyone's interested in taking the headache out of it -- get over to (Treo/Centro only) -- where you'll get Talk, Text, Full Internet, & Picture Messaging -- all on the MetroPCS network... and you'll love your Treo more than ever! Special Thanks goes to Karl -- as his article was THE FIRST to start me on my journey...

Anonymous said...

i have a sprint 755p and waiting for your msg for metropcs

Anonymous said...

I would like to Clone a clean ESN and number from my current Chocolate, to a Motorola Q (All Verizon)

OR Flash a Sprint Treo 700wx or Sprint Treo 650 to Verizon.

Anonymous said...

I have a verizon treo 700p and would like to change service to MetroPCS and use the same phone, is this possible?

Anonymous said...

I have a verizon treo 700p and would like to change service to MetroPCS and use the same phone, is this possible?

Please drop me a note at

Alexander Harb PSEM®, E-Agent® said...

I have a Palm Treo 700w..... will you be able to get it to work on Metro PCS for me...and what do you charge for this service.... Will it get internet also, or just phone calls and texts?

Anonymous said...

i got a 700p and i would like to get the info/walkthrough to clone it over a old Nokia to work on the metro pcs network, thanks

i would be happy to make a donation if it works

William said...

HI there. Could you email me directions on cloning this phone's esn? I would appreciate it!

Anonymous said...

Hello, I have a Palm Treo 700p and have metro pcs and was wondering if i could get information on how to clone it. All o any info would be greatly appreciated.

Thank You

Anonymous said...

Please, I would like to know if anyone can send me infos on how to clone my treo 700wx.

thanks in avance.

Anonymous said...

I would also like to know. I bought a new phone and want to give my daughter my phone. I have a verizon treo 700wx and she has metropcs. thanks for your help..

Unknown said...

Please help me get my Sprint Treo 755p to work with metro. Do you know how to flash Blackberrys to Metro and get everything to work? I have so many questions!!!

Anonymous said...

I would like to know how to clone my Treo 650 to work with Metro PCS. Please email at Thanks

Anonymous said...

Hey i just got my metro pcs phone stolen and have a palm treo 700 how would i go about flashing it over

Anonymous said...

I'd like to clone my Palm Treo 700w. Pease, send me instruction
Thanks for helping!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Id like to get my verizon palm treo 700wx working on metropcs. Is it possible to have all functions working? I do know how to change the esn with cdma and hex editing is that all there is to it? Id appreciate any help you could offer Thanks Alot!!

Anonymous said...

I too have a Treo 700wx, I would like to use it on Metro PCS. Please share with me how I go about doing this. I already have an active metropcs phone.

Anonymous said...

I have a Treo 700wx, I would like to use it on Metro PCS. Could you please share with me how I do this?. I'm currently using a metropcs phone.

Anonymous said...

Ai! i have a palm treo 700p i got off ebay. i'm an email junkie and i like this phone. But i have metro pcs and i don't know if they'll flash it! ugh any suggestions?

Unknown said...

I am very interested in learning how to do this. I have a Centro that I am trying to get working with another provider Sprint>US Cellular. Any help would be depreciated greatly!

Unknown said...


Please contact me and let me know how much it would cost to change the number on my Palm Treo 700p. I want to use it on the Boost Network.

Will said...

email it

do u know how to hack a palm 700w?


Unknown said...

Can you please help me!!
I have a phone with Metro PCS and it broke today. I have a Verizon Treo 650 that was given to me by a family member. Now i need to know how it switch it.

can you help me plz! dont have any money for another phone for a while and really need my phone!

can you Please help!

Anonymous said...

how can i change my treo 700wx provider(sprint)to another (bell) same cdma thanks

Anonymous said...

I have a 700 wx I need to clone.... will you please send me the info and such on how to do it? my email is

Carl D said...

Hey I have an old 700wx when I was with sprint and I now have metro pcs can you send me the instructions on how to make my treo work on metro pcs thanks

Anonymous said...

I am interested in instructions for treo 700w please send to

Anonymous said...

i to have a treo 700wx w/ a bad esn . i have two sprint phones with busted screens i could use the esn off of .please send info to clone esn to

alleykat said...

I have a treo 700wx set up to work with verizon, please send me the hack so I can clone my phone.
many thanks!

Anonymous said...

HI I have an Treo 650 and need's to Hack It's a Sprint and need goes to MetroPcs

Anonymous said...

Pleeezzee I need,I neeed to know this info..!!!

Unknown said...

Pleeezze , I need same as last

Anonymous said...

Please help me with steps to get MMS/SMS on my flashed to metro, verizon palm treo wx -

Anonymous said...

Please send me all the How to do information if you please. my email is:

Unknown said...

i have the palm treo 700wx and i need to know how to unlock it. if you have any advice or any info on how to do so could you email me at thanks for your time.

Unknown said...

i have the palm treo 700wx and i need to know how to unlock it. if you have any advice or any info on how to do so could you email me at thanks for your time.

Unknown said...

i have the palm treo 700wx and i need to know how to unlock it. if you have any advice or any info on how to do so could you email me at thanks for your time.

alleykat said...

please send me the instructions to clone the phone!

Anonymous said...

i have a treo 755p please help me clone it

Dave's Blog said...

I was just given a sprint palm treo 700p. I am a verizon customer. What would I have to do to use the phone with the verizon network.

Dave's Blog said...

Sorry, I forgot to give email for response on how to use sprint pal treo with verizon. Pleas contact me @

Anonymous said...


can you email me the instructions. Purchased a Treo 755p at a police auction but the phone was reported stolen and i have a Treo 650 that i want to use the ESN from.

Thanks in advanced,

Anonymous said...

I also have a 700W that I would like to function on the metro pcs system in the sacramento area.

itsbeenofficial said...

i would like to know how to clone a palm treo 700wx. i use metro pcs but i would like to use the palm. my email is

Unknown said...


Im trying to clone my palm treo 700w to my other on verizon, any help/info would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Please send info on how to clone a Palm Treo 700p for use on the AT&T network. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Are you still giving the "how to"

Anonymous said...

Please send info on how to clone a Palm Treo 700p for use on the Metropcs. Thank you

Anonymous said...

Hi i have a current Metro PCs phone working phone i would like to know how to clone it into my palm tre 700 thank you very much

Anonymous said...

Hey this is some good stuff here, i my self have both phone the treo 650and the 700, however iam currently using a metro phone and would like to use these phones instead, so please email me the info on how to clone the 700 from verizon or perhaps the 650 from sprint at

Anonymous said...

hey! can someone tell me how i can get treo 700 to work as a metro pcs phone! and does the internet and picture msg thing work?? i love pda type phones but i m stuck w boring metro phone so i m like going crazy to get a phone working to metro w full functions!
plzzz email me on how to do it at thanks!

STEVE said...


Bet Haderej said...

Hi, I would like to know how to change the ESN to a Treo700wx, I have QPST, Bitpim, cdma_workshop, etc but no one software can recognize the phone only the Howdy but I can change the ESN with that soft, I'm conecting the phone in bootloader mode, modem, etc, nothing works. Please help me. my e-mail is avraham_9431 at I'm from Mexico.

Anonymous said...

I wanted to clone the treo 700p to my 650 palm treo. please help me..ive just bought 4 phones all of which i cant return and i regret. i also have the moto Q, the i9 touchscreen phone (apple iphone clone) and another 650 palm treo.

how much would you charge?

Anonymous said...

Yes, I would like info on how to clone a treo 700p... I have a 755p and I would love to be able to use the 700p as a backup phone... Thanks :)

Anonymous said...

ok, i'll bite. send me instructions as well. I have a palm treo 700p.


planting3 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
planting3 said...

I have a newish 750p that i would like to change the esn on. long story short, it thinks its a motorola but verizon said the information on the sticker under the battery is clean. Any help would be greatly appreciated on changing its internal information.

Anonymous said...

i already have a metro account and i just got a palm 700w, can you send me the cloning info thanks in advance

Anonymous said...

Hello, I have a 2yr old Palm Treo 700wx, it was on Verizon service. I moved out of the states to mexico and was wanting to unlock it so that I could use here. Any help would be appreciated $$ !

Batman887 said...


I was wondering if you could email the directions for me. =P


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