Sunday, January 01, 2006

New Xbox 1 Mod/Hack.... 360 Soon To Follow

This has been out for about a week now but I'd like to make sure everyone knows this who's interested. Xbox 1 has been chipped and softmodded so who needs a new hack right? Well, If you're a Xbox Live user... you know you can't play Xbox 'backups' on Live... until now. This is a new DVD firmware hack. Flash the Xbox's DVD drive with the hacked firmware... burn a correctly patched Xbox ISO onto dual layer media... play your backed up game on Live. Below are some links to help you get started.

The details...

The firmware...


Onto even better news... this has also been done on the Xbox 360 but has not been released publicly. I personally can't wait for this to be released. Live on the 360 is needed. Here's a video showing it in action.

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